Sixth chapter picks up about two weeks after the previous chapter's end, and the trail has gone cold. Another murder in Fontainebleau, possibly by Les Vampires, puts Phillipe on their trail again. Irma Vep and another are soon spotted at a nearby theatre, and followed by Phillipe. Retrieval of a parcel left for Les Vampires informs them that The Grand Vampire is hiding at a hot...$6。穿黑色紧身衣的两个女人真风骚$#刷条目# 吸血鬼第六集$《吸血鬼》系列第六集 目前为止最佳 重心由正邪较量转变为Morino集团 吸血鬼集团和Norton夫妇三方之间的黑吃黑 催眠 调包女盗贼 勒索 借刀杀人 但Morino居然爱上了敌对集团的Irma 结尾挺正能量 卧底Mazamette到了悬赏金 虽然恶性很少得到惩罚 但美德总能得到回报$一个跟随马奔跑的移动镜头还挺有意思的$好看