Mill Creek's documentary 'Legend of the American Sniper' directed by Ron Meyer aims to remove history's grace and cinema's grandeur in telling the real story of who a sniper is, what a sniper does, and how the sniper decisively turns the tide of battle as part of larger unit, not as a lone wolf. 主要内容就是反恐战争时期的反狙击手行动。$可以说是狙击教科书了——伪装、瞄准、训练以及理论学习……另外,狙击是团队活动,耍酷的个人英雄主义应还滚蛋,因为可能害死队友!在后半段让几位狙杀过真人的老兵以及特警分享经历,可以看出扳机按下去还是需要勇气的。$Sniper教科书$保护战友获得荣耀,最后却死在了自己人手里,是因为战争造成的心理问题,还是因为主人公荣誉的光环太刺眼,抑或是美国枪支泛滥的后果