July 1969 . After two years spent in Canada, Sacha is back in her small Belgian town. She has two disturbing news to break to her family : the first one is that instead of being married - or at least engaged - as expected - she has a Canadian ... girlfriend ! The second is not much better : instead of graduating as a radiologist in Montréal she has left medical school whereas a...$法國人為什麼要把被掰彎嫁禍給加拿大人?哈哈哈哈哈哈$一部带着丝丝法式幽默的温馨小品,留学归来的女主角三番四次欲向家人坦诚自己念不成医科而又交了个女友的事实可偏偏说不出口……然后渐渐发现家中人人皆有心事,可大家仍企图苦中作乐,自娱娱人。该故事背景恰好为第一个太空人踏上月球的年代,像是隐喻着大家应该放下守旧,勇敢向未知数迈进。。