Lost in a personal vacation police Chris Morgan (he gave evidence to the Department of internal investigations about corruption of their fellow was awarded OK. 400 000 dollars!), he met with singer from the bar Keri Truitt, which, as it appears, is implicated in the murder of her own husband a millionaire. Detective action of the film unfolds on the background of relations Chri...$应该算是当年《本能》的跟风之作,只是情色场面更加露骨一些,印象最深的还是中间有一段两个美女在互相爱抚,而男主和另一个人在一旁谈事。$2+$影片的侦探情节以克里斯和他“过去的”同事的工作关系为背景(他们想尽一切办法要抓住克里斯),并认真地穿插床上场景;不怎么露。$广告片质感$怎么样用?????怎么上不了???????有人???????知道吗???????