Suddenly Jennifer is torn from her comfortable and non-assuming (inconspicuous) life. While planning to move, the young mother and her husband will experience anything but an ordinary day! It all begins with a strange visit from her soon to be ex-neighbour, the postman who mentions an urgent need. Olaf Ittenbach作品,血浆程度不压于他之前的任何一部,昏暗的灯光,满地的尸块,浑身是血的女人,残酷的录像,四种颜色,肢解,虐待,Olaf Ittenbach导演用最直接的方法表达他对人性,爱,亲情的看法。$克总面具,但是没搞神秘兮兮的,就咔咔一顿血$76min$红色篇:血浆管足,挖眼、割屌、揭头盖骨等等应有尽有;绿色篇:女花式虐杀男,满足厌男者;蓝色篇:怪物丧尸齐上阵。其实全部是一个女疯子的臆想世界$好吧,的确令我看着不舒服