Agatha opens her own detective agency, but potential clients aren’t exactly breaking down the door of her new office. In search of new business, Agatha and James visit Ivy Hall, a house said to be haunted since the English Civil War. Are the strange sounds and unexplained footsteps heard... 女主不知道是演的得意忘形了还是咋了,比第一季越来越抓马夸张,有点烦$英国乡村风情与女主的跳tone性格和鲜艳服饰碰撞,实乃茶余饭后打发时间的佳品。$阿加莎和她的朋友把不务正业当成了主业,一本正经地沙雕破案,幽默侦探剧了!期待第四季。$女主的恋情继续扰乱剧情……而且有的时候Agatha有点太mean了,明显和她以前(在电视剧)中的形象不符。bill警官虽然很萌,但是演技不怎么样😂他以及其他配角的戏份经常显得无头无脑的。$热热闹闹的侦探小分队