In January of 1962, 29 East Berliners escaped to West Berlin via a tunnel they had dug beneath the Berlin Wall, led by Erwin Becker, a chauffeur in the car pool of the East Germany Parliament, who served as technical adviser on this film. The film opens with Karl Schroeder (Don Murray), chauffeur to an East German Major, seeing a friend killed as he tried to drive his truck thr...$西奥德马克还是厉害的,在预算有限的情况下,情节紧凑、充满悬念。唯一的“大预算”是修建一段墙。片子成功地展现了政权是如何影响最平凡的日常活动的,因为人们必须考虑他们所做和所说的每件事的后果。