It's the 100th anniversary of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. So James Rolfe decided to review it on this week's Cinemassacre movie review. Dr. Caligari is a German silent horror film released on February 26th, 1920. Directed by Robert Wiene and written by Hans Janowitz and Carl Mayer. Considered the quintessential work of German Expressionist cinema, it tells the story of an insa...$有个人带你解读如此艺术的默片,是如此方便的一件事。$还没来得及看电影,乘着空闲时间先看了他的影评。感觉知道了挺多单单去看的话发现不了的地方,比如每个版本的音乐都会有点不同,一版版的修复对理解这部电影有什么影响。晚上就去补电影!$