布宜诺斯艾利斯的雨一直下个不停。。。 Buenos Aires. It rains. Alma is on a cab. Suddenly, Roberto gets into the car. He is all wet and he knew that somebody else was in the car, he 's tired of the rain, of broken dreams .He promises to leave the car as soon as the rain ceases. But that meeting will follow them forever. 布宜诺斯艾利斯的雨一直下个不停。。。女主的脸是N个人的合体$布宜洛斯艾利斯的雨夜,两个寂寞的灵魂触碰出的一些小温情。PS:阴雨之夜,一个人戴上耳机坐在车里,是一种似曾相识的感觉。$简单且有心的故事$结局果真被我猜中$沉谧,孤独,淡淡的伤感。还有一直下着的雨。