Antonio Hutter (Haber's alter ego) is on a stage and recalls his life dominated by his only great wish:to be an actor. So he tells about his childhood in Israel, his youth in Verona, his first roles in Franco Rossi's Eneide Taviani's Sotto il segno dello scorpione, his encounter with Orson Welles (never happened in reality), a role in Bertolucci's Il Conformista, later cut in t...$挺有趣的实验性电影,涵盖了许多意大利电影片段,听着报幕人说着电影中所发生的趣事,以及拍摄电影中所运用的技巧几具有写实画风的纪录片穿插其中,随着剧情的推进,报幕人内心所积聚的情感也达到了巅峰,戏中有戏,人中有人,3.6分电影$沙发么这算是,连简介都得自己补充啊。。。