7.7/10 705 votes Bachelor Rahul Malhotra (Aamir Khan) has just heard the news of the tragic passing of his sister and brother-in-law, through their lawyer (Tiku Talsania). He has inherited their business; two sons and a daughter. He finds the business in chaos under the "Japanese" trained Manager, Bhagwati Prasad Mishra (Mushtaq Khan), and the nephews and nieces - uncontrolla...$1.太欢乐了,啊哈。2.浪费了好多鸡蛋啊,我好心疼,呜呜....3.打日本人前还给他们鞠个躬,笑死我了....$太欢乐了$非常温馨可爱的爱情小故事,这个女主跟小短腿颜值很配啊,笑起来特别灿烂的样子,很可爱!$结尾好匆忙$很象早期琼瑶片,男主角帅气,但事业又面临危机,女主角富爱心,最后坏蛋得到惩处,剧中的阿米尔居然被手下的女工们大吃豆腐,汗一下,呵呵,不过很好看的一部片子