Produced for Nat Geo International Our host, renowned Nat Geo photographer, Jeff Hutchens travels the length of the Canal from Beijing to see the historical waterway in Jiangsu province to see it at work. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Grand Canal is the world’s oldest and longest man-made waterway system and flows for over 1,700 kilometres connecting Beijing in the north to...$沿河看柳迎运来。$拍的非常美,不愧是专业搞摄影的。歪果仁看问题的视角也颇有不同。。。(B站)$苏州、淮安、宿迁、邳州、淮安、扬州、镇江、常州、无锡$摄影师沿大运河走访苏州、淮安、宿迁、扬州、镇江、常州、无锡等江苏城市,试图发现大运河如何对传统与现代中国社会产生持久影响,很不错的纪录片,以及摄影师汉语还不错