Utterly demented and extremely rare Taiwanese kung fu fantasy! There are no subs for me to be able to describe the plot but to be honest...even if there were I'm sure the film still wouldn't make sense! From what I could make out - a little boy (with some nice kung fu skills) spends his time flying around on a magic gourd battling one, two and three headed rubber dragons, bird ...$中間冒出個說書人,讓虎濫故事有了底,但最後說書人怎麼消失了… 編導後半段只顧著玩cosplay輪流戰,但每場都一樣,打不贏就開寶盒外掛,太混啦。$碳烤孙悟空+奥特曼$B站。。。$75年的特技呀,神奇!注意我们的孙大圣被人收到葫芦里了!$真的很烂,我居然看过