Once a common medium to record home movies and holiday souvenirs, the memory of Super-8 film is now disappearing fast. Yaël André has recycled a wealth of random Super-8 footage into a fake biography, with a cheeky off-screen voice. There are only two protagonists in this film, and both remain invisible. There is the narrator, who addresses us in a confidential tone. And there ...$跟《冰山的陰影》同屬於基於私有映像的再生紀錄片,相對的就是戈達爾、卡瓦洛夫等人基於公共映像的再生紀錄片。這部片還真是給予了我不少新的啟發。可想而知,一大堆8毫米膠片在導演眼中是多麼珍貴的財富呢。而我一直追尋著我國那些在手機和相機的映像氾濫前的私映像,估計實在難找,難免可惜。$@arte docu-collage-fiction belge, joliment mélancolique au début, mais un peu éparpillée sur la fin. En perdant Georges, l'alter ego amour d'enfance de la narratrice, se perd également l'émotion.$DVD$女莱赫曼