This story is a true account of the lives of Scott and Marsha Carter. Having graduated from medical school, Scott Carter, a fair-skinned African American, marries Marsha Mitchell and moves to Georgia. When he arrives at the black clinic in Georgia, he discovers that the job must inconveniently go to a Southerner. Discussions between two nurses at this clinic suggest that Scott'...$适合编剧收看的标准教材,有着完整的起承转合和很好的台词。很难想象,黑人平权电影在经过了这么年以来,就没有变过,依然是这样的节奏和这样的议题,令人难以置信。$本以为那时候独立电影制作水准会很有限,但是本片出乎我意料得深刻和精致,虽然对于种族问题的探讨有时代局限性,在那个背景下已经非常超前了,片中几个戏剧化段落处理得相当有力,细节方面很是用心。$1.在当时的环境能拍出探讨此类社会问题的电影实属不易2.对镜头和灯光的运用也比较到位。3.Shelly走出教堂时的dolly shot叫人难忘。4.音效处理上有一些问题,但几段配乐很棒。