Barnaby and Troy investigate an apparent suicide that is just a tad too elaborate for them to accept at face value. The man had been under treatment for depression, his wife had recently divorced him and he owed money to a good many people. Barnaby's doubts are confirmed when the autopsy reveals the man was drugged. There are no end of suspects: the ex-wife, her soon to be new husband who also happens to be a dispensing chemist and the doctor and counselor who treated him at a nearby clinic. When other residents residents of Misomer Worthy are killed, the detectives must try to determine the common link among all of the victims. 即使在该剧集里也算是硬核了,非常喜欢绳子这个线索,揭露凶手时叫出声。没想到我也能这么说: shockdrama in a good way.$看完背脊发凉,这个小镇上的人都有变态杀人癖吧,凶手完全没猜着$凶手身份令人大跌眼镜,又是看了后背发寒的一集,不过凶手变态心理的形成好歹也应该有个理由吧?Midsomer很多凶手都显得是为了变态而变态,缺乏合理的心理诱因和相应铺垫,使得真相被揭露时显得很突兀。$还不错,凶手出乎意料$Barnaby and Troy.