A year. A boy. An instant. Hugo is a boy who lives anchored in the routine, focused on his tasks and responsibilities. Unable to look forward, he lets opportunities pass, stalling in the past. On the contrary, Cosmo is a free soul that lives without looking back, always going from one place to another no matter where. One summer afternoon their gazes cross by chance. It is only...$最美的暧昧总是发生在夏季$这对我站,下雨天的对视把我秒了。$一次旅行、一场邂逅、一眼万年。相遇于夏,相识于秋,相知在冬,相离在春。瞻彼日月,悠悠我思。道之云远,曷云能来?次年之夏,故地重游。物是人非,事事怎休? 夏日旅途的一场邂逅,埋下了名为"暗恋"的种子。四季更迭,这颗种子却始终深藏内心,无法生长。无数次乘坐同一列车前往巴塞罗那,只为了感受你的存在,短信,又怎解得了相思愁! 我知道总有离别的那天,可未曾想,它会来的这么快,...$无疾而终的故事,我喜欢那阵雨声,主角几次试图坦诚心迹都欲言又止$还没开始就结束了