This black comedy is the latest from Goran Markovic, a life-long resident of Belgrade whose last film Tito and Me (1992) was the last film ever made in Yugoslavia. This black comedy masks tragic undertones as it tells the tale of the head of a Belgrade mental asylum known only as the Doctor as he tries to return his loony patients to their families after his hospital runs out o...$影片名取得很是贴切,前南内战时期一群精神病人的故事,欢欢闹闹,很是好玩,但看完却让人悲从心来,倍感凄凉。在那样混乱的情况之下,究竟谁疯了呢?是这群精神病人,还是这个疯狂的社会?$荒诞喜剧一类,东欧特色$“好吃的适合任何政治” 里面配乐不错$好看,而且真冷门,无评分。开头疯人院的百态至超市“发疯”及把超市“占山为王”段落很有意思,东欧人一贯奇特的思维和创造力营造了荒诞又魔幻的气氛。但之后疯人院父亲携疯友回家庭聚会等,故事性稍弱,整体还算好看的片子。$没有一个不是疯子