In the spring of 2016, global music sensation Major Lazer performed a free concert in Havana, Cuba for an unexpected audience of almost half a million people. A concert documentary evolves into an exploration of youth culture in a country on the precipice of change. It definitely has a "holy shit" moment.$不知为何IMDB上评分堪堪过二,仅是外交仪式的一种延伸而已,底下不知有多少虎视眈眈的报马仔和便衣警察,短暂的狂欢后又得面对物质精神的双重困乏,前有Machete,现有Paquete,古巴人的“互联网”革命远非陌生$好想再看一遍 导演是我帮我们拍窦靖童和吴亦凡片子的Austin Peters$音乐无国界 可以用音乐去消除隔阂 $🇨🇺