In a moving and often funny documentary, award-winning filmmaker Sean Langan is off to East Africa to ride the rails of the Tazara railroad, whose passenger and goods trains travel through spectacular scenery and a game park teeming with wild animals. The railway was built by the Chinese just after independence to link Zambia's copper belt to the Tanzanian port of Dar es Salaam...$A very biased BBC.$Tazara,受访者没说什么, 记者都说了……$影片称坦赞铁路是中国人为了掠夺非洲铜矿在6、70年代修建的。。又说现在铁路经营很差,影射中国人管理不善。现在铁路搞的差,中国政府要买断经营权,影片又称这是对非洲资源的掠夺。。 这纪录片真是能给中国泼脏水啊。。。$有一些中国的老机车,东方红,DF4D,虽然都破败得不行了。$非洲人民好欢乐,这记者不地道