Considering all the critical attention Howard Hawks has received over the years it's rather surprising that this film, the sixth he directed, is so little known. Admittedly, FAZIL is not at all typical of Hawks' work and lacks most of his recognizable directorial motifs, and on top of that features stars whose names only buffs will recognize, but it's a beautifully filmed, sump...$em Centro Cultural São Paulo. chorei.$跨越种族的爱情杯具,可以看看那个时代西方人眼中的阿拉伯人。这个阿拉伯王子明显还不够清真,没要他老婆戴头巾穿黑袍$美国人眼中的阿拉伯故事$3.5。早期的好莱坞种族偏见很严重,所以这里面的阿拉伯人男主由米国人扮演。$7.3/10,再次利用空間作對比,延續至身份,王子(沙漠)與交際花(城市),佔有與自由的衝突造成的悲劇,以浪漫化情節作處理