Using archival footage and dramatic re-enactments, this documentary deals with the immediate aftermath of the 1918 armistice that brought World War I to an end. From January to July 1919, the Paris Peace Conference dealt not only with issues related to Germany but with the thorny issue of national boundaries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. From this conference emerged Yugo...$不错的,我们现在看来这帮政客是如此的愚蠢,其实我们现在也一样的愚蠢,哈哈哈$差点以为在看《一代伟人威尔逊》,法国人的纪录片总是有点特别的味道。讲了伊拉克的建立,一笔带过犹太复国主义的两派斗争。$太短了 战后世界格局的重新划分没有很好的交代$为了争取一场战争后表面的和平,这一场博弈,永远只能是一场白日梦而已。$配合《他们已不再变老》食用更佳。