During casting sessions, young women from Copenhagen talk candidly about their sexual experiences. Initially, the two female directors wanted to make a film as a way of better understanding their own sexual desires and frustrations. In response to a casting call, more than a hundred ordinary young women turned up and talked straight into the camera about their erotic fantasies....$沙发, almost? "Vénus, Confessions à Nu" is a sort of indie & minimal Danish documentary about women's sexuality. Young women sit down and talk in front of the camera, answering basic though intimate que...$还蛮有新意的,普通人的生活真的比电影还要精彩,听她们缓缓述说属于自己的故事,自己对于性的看法,还蛮有启发性的。剪辑节奏把握的也很好,有张有弛,受访者的表演很拉近与观众的距离。觉得很适合再做一期男性的访谈,对比来看,我觉得能显示出男女之间对性的差异,希望能看到男版Venus。