Pål dreams about success within the musical world, but he has an obstacle; himself. His deep thoughts keeps him end up in trouble. We follow Pål on a emotional inner travel to find his call on the swedish west coast of Gothenburg. 事實證明全天下青春片都一個樣,穿水手服的隆格倫也救不了了。$某堡风光片,每个外景都去过。$加分惊喜是ram di dam的鼓手和美貌贝斯手(最后演出的骚情红衬衫也太萌~)打酱油客串乐队成员…还有导演你真的很喜欢滥用wilhelm scream诶。难煮一直以不太可爱的方式深井冰着…有片段尽力煽了却没法很燃…赶脚像哥德堡音乐风光宣传广告片,作为广告片挺好看的,虽然觉得歌并不好听(不过也不太难听…$Kan du digga de e locomotion,För mycket revolution.Johnny jag gillar dig,Du har ett svart moln över dig.$5.5 故事线如果理得顺一些还能成为稍合格的小清新= = (就 全程看颜就好