The film consists of four short stories about crisis. The film shows the crisis arising when people face an unexpected situation, like the story of a married couple who accidently hits a mayor’s son riding a motorbike and buries him. Wrong decisions made by fragile human emotions sometimes create a bigger crisis, but life goes on amidst the troubles. 這部俄片於2011年拍攝,於2012年被我發現,直到2016年才看到。而這片絕對是本年度發掘到質量與冷門程度並重的佳片。撞車、失憶、槍戰、真相,四個故事交織出一首黑色命運交響曲,或多或少跟讓我聯想起銀河的部分電影。相比之下,後來的一批俄羅斯社會寓言性電影還是稍微遜色。PS:本片演員都很陌生。