First film in the live action series based on the shÅnen manga by Go Nagai. Despite the nudity and all the teaching staff being sexual predators, it is not an x-rated film, effendis: its a parody of them. And the s&m torture is humiliating rather than painful. And the "comic" feel to the action is maintained throughout. The movie opens with the "resurrection" of the dastardly h...$最早的一版真人版。很有世纪末的阴暗色彩,令人感到一种非理性的诡异。$永井豪已收藏$けっこう仮面 真人版第一部,为了看朝岡実嶺查到的片,竟然是永井豪的原作,可以和《变态假面》拼个组合$春光无限好$可交流!!!非诚勿扰!!