Tehran, June 2013. Massed in front of their TV, the Iranian people comment on the presidential campaign broadcast by national channels. After the post-election riots in 2009, do they still believe in politics? In the privacy of their homes, facing state propaganda and images of the West, Egypt or Syria, women and men freely talk about their hopes, anger and fears. 形式比波藍波宇《二次開波》還更進一步。但是必須注意的是,相比起《二》所展現諷刺的「事後諸葛亮」心態,本片更多地是通過攝影機框架的局限來保證暫時安全的自由言論環境。徐辛曾說中國電視裡頭的是謊言。威權國家都是如此。伊朗的電視屏幕就像一大團嘔吐物。而遙控這一象征民主的工具仍形同虛設。$补标,2016年TIDF,伊朗全面噤声$肯定又是一禁片,坦克車再現政治作秀,民不聊生,眾人怨氣,全面噤聲