Little Miss Westie follows two transgender siblings as they navigate puberty, school, family and transitioning during the Trump era. Ren is competing in the Lil Miss Westie Pageant as the first out trans-girl and her older brother Luca is coaching her on posing, make-up, and talent. He knows his stuff because he competed six years ago when he was living as a girl. Moving and un...$在台北女性影展看到了这部片子,译名《小太阳大愿望》。一家四口超级治愈,父母一直支持鼓励着孩子们的性别选择,鲁卡和莲也从未动摇过自己的信念。莲参加「小西小姐」选美比赛是片中一条重要主线,她拿到后冠时,荧幕里和荧幕外的人都哭了。这位母亲说,我以前有两个孩子,一男一女,现在是一女一男,我们又是幸福的一家人了。