Marino Pacileo, known as "Gorbaciof" due to the prominent birthmark on his forehead, is an accountant at Poggioreale Prison in Naples. Pacileo, silent and shy, has only one passion in life: poker. He's in love with a Chinese girl called Lila and when he discovers that her father can't pay a debt incurred at the card table, Pacileo steals the money from the prison coffers and gi...$我草啊。一他妈看到杨幂我就萎了 这傻逼怎么哪都出现$似乎是《阿加东》的现代版,其中的金发美女变成了中国女人。可惜,人物刻画很不到位。中国女人基本上就是个穿着旗袍的cliche,除了装傻充愣,看不出来有什么演技。台词特少这一点应该是个尝试,但是本人不赞成影评人拿这个当作电影优劣的尺度。$这什么画风?$杨幂这傻逼怎么哪都有你$这是Mi Yang吗? 是整容还是易容?