For her rst television lm – a remake of Fassbind- er’s Die bi eren Tränen der Petra von Kant – direc- tor Vera wants the perfect cast. But the rst day of shoo ng is fast approaching and the numerous cas ng sessions have yet to nd a suitable actress to play the leading role. Although the producer and crew are ge ng ever more exasperated with Vera, Gerwin is happy about the e...$盖文有才华有天赋,却极不自信,要么演些龙套角色,要么帮忙对戏。各种阴差阳错下以为终于有机会成为主演,结果是南柯一梦。聪明人很多,成功人很少,这就是现实。$睡卓了…😷真的缺氧$wirklich langweilig_(:з」∠)_$无聊谈话$德国领事馆文化中心