如果有一件事是重要的:关于沃尔夫冈·提尔曼斯If One Thing Matters: A Film About Wolfgang Tillmans(2008)



又名:A Film About Wolfgang Tillmans

导演:Heiko Kalmbach 

主演:Wolfgang Tillmans 伊尔姆·赫尔曼 Pet  


  Wolfgang Tillmans became known during the nineties for his photos of parties and club life. His pictures had the effect of having been taken at random. Today he is one of the best-known photographers in the world. For four years, filmmaker Heiko Kalmbach followed him around with a video camera, observing his private as well as his professional life. It is Tillmans' voice speaki...$有tillmans創作的過程和在工作室的生活,假如有被他作品感動過的一定要看! artist or squirrel$若不是因为关于Wolfgang,这纪录片也不算值得一看了,毫无手法可言,也无趣,不动人,基本上就是用了三年时间断断续续平铺记录了Wolfgang的一些基本的工作状态而已。对比起来,单纯拿出一本他的作品集翻来看,都要比这纪录片动人得多。


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