This series chronicled the lives of Bodie and Doyle, top agents for Britain's CI5 (Criminal Intelligence 5), and their controller, George Cowley. The mandate of CI5 was to fight terrorism and similar high-profile crimes. Cowley, a hard ex-MI5 operative, hand-picked each of his men. Bodie was a cynical ex-SAS paratrooper and mercenary whose nature ran to controlled violence, whi...$个人认为不可超越!$还是同年回忆。当时和小伙伴们比着谁能在期末考的时候还坚持追剧。$70末80初爆款,MS被观众说了三十年“You are my childhood”233 大boss Cowley、文艺Doyle、勾女狂魔Bodie←_← 国内译制引进,和《三个侦探》好像是同时期播出,案情现在来看不是特别强,但主角间的互动和Cowley的妙语很棒。PS 原先电视版的中译限于时代条件简直灾难= = 2013-06-17想看 2015-05-29在看。$他们的BOSS叫考雷$当年少有的动作连续剧,也让我们见识了英国式的幽默。