SIRENE is a film about confusion, friendship and becoming who you are. The 15-year old Kay lives a boy's life in between roaring motorcross bikes.When the enchanting Melody sails into his life on a big boat, their flourishing friendship lures him towards this dormant feeling. When it turns out they both had a different idea about their friendship, Kay doesn't know what to feel ...$性别身份的挣扎与确认,很有感染力,结尾收得急了点。$青春懵懂期的男孩对于自我性别的疑惑和错认。绚烂的色彩和考究的画面呈现出一种青春的混乱迷离质感。女性导演的视点,对细节的刻划,对男孩敏感心理的捕捉和展现,对于异性之间朦脓情感的呈现都相当准确和到位。作为一位男性观众也许没有太多的触动和共鸣,但更多的女性观众应该会非常喜爱这部短片。$微妙的光影变化和细腻的氛围捕捉,归功于出色的摄影。$17th ISFVF 国际学生优秀作品奖。荷兰电影学院。镜头太美,太吸引人,太诱惑眼镜。$荷兰多兰