Seeking their dream of a better life and freedom, people from all walks of life make the radical decision to leave everything behind and emigrate from Iran. They cross the exceedingly dangerous border into Turkey, risk their lives on board refugee boats heading for Greece, and finally arrive in Athens. Mohsen is the film director’s cousin and one of the emigrants. The film begi...$对这种拍摄与事件进展同步的全程记录毫无抵抗力,等于是跟几位非法移民一起共度了这段与日积月累的绝望抗争的时光。然而就像那位十六岁少年说的,我们又怎能真正体会到他们所面对的是什么呢。$几个伊朗人偷渡欧洲,记录他们待在希腊等身份的日子,这是所有移民都会有的经历。感同身受。#芝加哥国际电影节#4.5$5.5/10。我难以深入,或许是因为缺少深入的体验,或许是因为展示的真实实在纹理不足,也有可能是构成整体的真实缺少形式魅力而流于平淡…$拍的很稳重,看出来是导演持续跟拍的结果。难民的遭遇,很让人惋惜,良心好作品。$一群有情有义的人