Stanley Kubrick looked for decades for a way to tell the story of Eyes Wide Shut before finally making it. Then, within days of completing the film, he passed away. Never Just a Dream: Stanley Kubrick and Eyes Wide Shut is a short documentary in which those who knew Kubrick best tell the story of the project and recall this final chapter of his career in moving detail. "你放假的時候都在做什麼啊?"庫柏力克對假期好奇,因為他不敢相信會有人這樣閒散地對待時間,他把握分分秒秒,總是擔心時間不夠,總是覺得被什麼追趕著$向库布里克致敬 他的态度 他的热情 他的创意$2019TGHFF- 短短的紀錄片… 看完後眼眶濕了… 所謂的電影大師 做電影真的是一輩子的熱情和天賦所在…$华纳高层说不删减库布里克作品,所以这部《大开眼戒》的美国版就用了技术添了几个背朝镜头的人来掩盖过多的裸体,以保此片为R级$他女儿说,影片开始的那个宴会布景,布置好了之后库神带着她去看,“isn't it gorgeous”,大致想象他当时的神态,令人动容