This film was one of the few attempts of the "New German cinema" to produce something like a horror film. Not quite a successful attempt in my opinion since director Niklaus Schilling seems to be rather afraid of anything to do with "genre" and therefore keeps out most the atmosphere that could be achieved by exploiting Germanic mysticism as he does here. The film has an unplea...$ft 720p无字,这部电影介绍了一位乏味的音乐出版商,她去了Luneburg Heath(德国版的Dartmoor)的一个偏远村庄,打算在那里购买一位最近去世的男子的房子。她由死者的妻子在房子里安顿下来,她是一位相当神秘的女士,周围有一种悲剧的气氛。在晚上,她被可怕的噩梦折磨着,在噩梦中,女人把花放在她自己的坟墓上,而不是她丈夫的墓碑上,古早文艺稀有恐怖电影,艺术感颇高,3.5