He first appeared in the Beeton's Christmas Annual in 1887. The stories of the great detective of 221B Baker Street have enthralled millions of people ever since. Sherlock Holmes is among the most famous and enduring fictional creations of all time. With his piercing observations, razor-sharp logic and human weakness, the eccentric sleuth is one of the rare characters to take o...$1995 A&E Documentary$总体来说值得一看。1. 找来David Burke演了老年华生,他的气场真的很强,是极少数气场能和福尔摩斯平分秋色的华生。2. 介绍了维多利亚时代的背景(比较特殊的知识点是关于当时的警察的)。3. 介绍了柯南道尔的文字本身和常见的维多利亚文学作品的区别。这是我第一次看到从纯粹的文学创作的角度分析福尔摩斯故事,希望还能看到更多的此类讨论。$如果华生是David来扮演的话,为什么封面不给Brett的福尔摩斯嘞?$看到老头儿以医生的身份出现在荧幕上我泪洒当场。还有爵士最后一段说得话我听了两遍都没听清。【忘记说了,谢晚安好运推荐TuT谢谢谢谢