Wassup Rockers is about a group of Salvadoran and Guatemalan teenagers in South Central Los Angeles who, instead of conforming to the hip hop culture of their gang infested neighborhood, wear tight pants, listen to punk rock,and ride skateboards. Avoiding the violence of their dangerous home turf is an everyday challenge. The Rockers decide to travel by bus to skate the world f...$除了让我感觉不论贫富不论种族不论男女不论年纪不论美丑都一样好勾搭之外没别的了,霍尔蒙爆棚的青春期,配乐如万箭穿心,渣一样的片~$xzd 通过一群滑板少年反映出了社会的贫富差别,$要是看到是“板仔玩转”这个片名,这碟我就不买了。MK2这两年出的碟质量大不如前了。$不如前作...$“业余电影”的一种极致形态。电影制作的粗糙、不自然以“中二幻想”为载体渗入风格之中