A drone’s-eye-view recording leads the audience through Hong Kong’s dragon gates, a series of gaps in high-rises that allow dragons to fly from the mountains to the sea while a character relates their relationship with geomancy, remote-selves and therianthropy (the mythical ability to shift shapes). 港式海景大楼的风水学,解说比较无趣,无人机的靠近好像摄影机的zoom,北京的牛街也有那么一栋空心楼。$来自南岸贝沙湾无人机的视角凝视和风水科普$image is powerful but the narration is toooo awful。影像的魔幻现实比导演自以为是的无病呻吟有力多了。$The voice-over is killing me$拿香港风水建筑风景做文章,无人机摄影理性漂亮,冷色影调,voice-over过得去,带着交叉国籍种族性向背景下的正确性。