In the fine tradition of the GUINEA PIG series, we present to you this weird lesser-known Japanese horror gore gem. The story involves a young otaku (nerd) collector and sculptor who works part-time as a production assistant for a television studio. He has quite a few vinyl Ultraman figures on display in his room. Anyway, it seems as of late, he has been having a lot of disturb...$怪物变形过程很像《力王》,但是造型要精致得多,力大无穷,可以把人脸撕烂,这个特效做得十分不错,撕烂后的人脸,舌头爆出,眼球滚落,这个模型做得可真够cult的$片子不咋地,豆瓣海报倒是换得很勤$我就喜欢日本这种怪物变异类型的短片……已存盘……$youtube上1.75倍速看的英字45min渣画质。最后怪物的造型太拉跨。还有就是,美女沾男人会变得不幸。$画质感人