Frank, a retired Irish seaman, and Walter, a retired Cuban barber, are two lonely old men trapped in the emptiness of their own lives. When they meet in a park Frank is able to start a conversation after several attempts. They begin to spend time together and become friends. But because of their different characters they often quarrel with each other and finally seperate after ...$依然是电影鉴赏课看的片子,日文英文字幕全没有,边练习听力边看完了。结局在情理之中却又仍然让人悲伤,一直吵吵闹闹的frank,也会这样永远地沉睡。每个人都会衰老,每个人都会死亡。年轻的时候要勇敢地追逐爱情和理想,结交知心朋友。有家人有好友作伴,老年生活才不会那么孤单。$两个可爱的老头