Sequel of the most successful Czech animated movie ever 'Goat story, Old Prague Legends' - 2008 Young Zuzanka, Honzik, and Goat are searching for the children's parents, who the devil has apparently kidnapped to punish them for producing devilishly good goat cheese. However, the children find their parents not in hell, but at the Castle, where they must make cheese for Kobyl, t...$中央六 中文配音好可怕$怎么说呢,故事什么的还是挺有意思的,特别是国王那里的非洲奶酪简直笑死哈哈,央视的中文配音一直没让我失望过。就是这画风……emmm看在你也不是什么好莱坞梦工厂之类的就算了吧,接受了这个设定真的还行$对白幽默$有点意思,没想到看的人这少!不太适合儿童,适合高年级。里面女的胸都好大(捂脸),山羊是领导者!还是有些道理的!$好玩 东欧