In 1967, a young David Lynch grabbed his new Bolex 16mm camera, to film his friend and mentor Bushnell Keeler and brother Dave Keeler sailing on the Chesapeake Bay in Bush's King's Cruiser. This was David' Lynch's very first film.which he prefers to call a "home movie". It depicts a man, a painter, who changed David's life forever pursuing the artist's life, which he contin...$出海航行拍得如此恐怖和幽闭,David Lynch真是个神经病。$吸引人的不是内容,吸引人的是家庭私影像也可以如此风格化$波光粼粼$这可是home movie!这摇晃着拉伸的镜头,真的容易吓到人!$21岁的大卫林奇也太帅了吧