"Happy Anniversary" Mr. Ratburn shows a film about perspective and then assigns the class an essay about it. Arthur and Buster are disappointed to have homework on the weekend of the big Bionic Bunny / Dark Bunny special (in which everything will be revealed), but vow to complete it before the start of the special. Arthur, however, struggles with the assignment. Mr. and Mrs. Re...$正在搜索童年看過的卡通,想到這部但想不起名字,然後想到小鼠波波就先去評那部,結果在IMDb頁面的相關卡通找到這部,哈哈!但我看的應該是2001年前後的,而豆瓣只有第一和第十季⋯⋯感覺都不是我當時看的啊!$看了一集 Buster的Germaphobia$B