In Nigeria, to be a twin can be a blessing or a curse. The father of O is the village chief, a witch doctor who believes in the curse of twins. One day, this witch doctor tried to kill his two sons during a ritual ceremony: O managed to escape but saw his brother being murdered. Having fled across his country, he succeeded, by chance, in leaving Nigeria and going into exile in ...$尼日利亚的村落,双胞胎被视为邪恶的化身,弟弟成为献祭,哥哥逃往法国。回忆与现实,平面与立体,动画与纪录,形式丰富。$从某种意义上来说塑造了一份证据$钻进世界的骨架去敲一个裂缝$非虚构报道$黑暗的房間,建模而成的線型的風景,平面圖,打字的紙。雙胞胎既是詛咒又是祝福,一些地方認為雙胞胎是母親和其他男人生的。繼母來告知雙胞胎危險的訊息,沒有任何母系的聯繫了,被法國政府認為尋求庇護證據不足。大把的細節,大把的空缺。