The Mother, the Father and their 16-year-old son live on a hill, at the end of a village. They wash hotel sheets for a living. The water supply is inconsistent and they often find themselves without any water. A couple of drillers - a father and his daughter - arrive, in order to solve the water supply problem. The family's harmonious world shatters into pieces. Everyone loves ...$保加利亚半吊子金基德?从“人物没有名字”这一点就能看出导演试图突出“寓言性”的目的,但功利性的“保加利亚风情”配乐和2.35:1画幅下的当地风光让这个“普世寓言”露了马脚。此外,宽画幅既不能让影像显得“干渴”,又难以令角色间产生可信的sex tension,让这部关于“性”的电影看上去有些性冷淡,捡了芝麻丢了西瓜。$乾燥如電影節奏,內裡應該與《寶藏》相同,可惜情感邏輯有點莫名,最後一場雨來之太晚$不知道自己是怎么看完的。。。