Trainspotting star Ewen Bremner features in the gruesome tale of Billy Boy, 90's skinhead and his comeuppance. (Cert. 18) Billy Boy is a 90s style skinhead. He gets up, tries to provoke his mildly amused black neighbour Marcia by masturbating at the window, then meets his mates at a greasy spoon where he puts them off their fry-ups by spelling out what goes into sausages. Later...$挺搞笑的$好棒!喜欢!$Sarah Kane 看到了《猜火车》《两杆大烟枪》《这就是英格兰》等等$肤色就是区隔,非我族类其心必异$本来我不了解什么种族歧视之类的问题,但是看了这部电影我不知道这是不是真正美国的现状,但是我觉得只要不是瞎子都看的出来黑人的肤色与我们最不同,可这又有什么关系呢?整部电影倒牛奶那段真的绝了