Answer to Violence is a wartime thriller based on the famous assassination of Nazi war criminal Franz Kutschera, the SS and Police Commander for the District of Warsaw, by the Polish Home Army (AK) on 1 February 1944. Dubbed "the torturer of Warsaw" for ordering a series of mass executions, his death triggered immediate retaliation by the German occupier in which 100 innocent h...$"national combatant" genre in the 1960s$故事是中国式的。$让我想起了一代人,战争是残酷的,所谓的胜利永远是悲凉的~~比杀人无数,最后的锣鼓喧天,我感觉更深沉也更真实.这就是我爱东欧电影的原因吧.$第二次世界大战的惊悚片,描写被占领的波兰华沙,当地抵抗组织成功暗杀了著名纳粹战犯,有“华沙刽子手”之称的当地党卫军和秘密警察头子 库切拉弗兰兹的故事。这次暗杀行动的成功,极大增强了波兰人民的斗智和对胜利充满了希望...$有wj翻譯,真是舒心。中規中距但是不乏張力的波蘭學院派電影。