"Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club" viewers will get to see a new side of Lohan as she calls the shots with her handpicked team of young and ambitious VIP hosts who will have to do whatever it takes to secure Lohan's name as the definition of vacation luxury. But when the lines between romance, friendship and work get blurred, the staff will quickly learn they'll have to prove themsel...$很难找出那么难看的真人秀了!你们根本就没在做生意啊!!$林赛老了,每次出镜都滤镜那么重$这节目有任何规划吗??即使网络视频都未必这么差吧$由于实在是烂而反而显得有趣……这种套路式的真人秀节目和马男里那种又蠢又浮夸的好莱乌名流派对高度一致……让我越来越分不清萨拉林和林赛罗韩了