A documentary about the former Oasis frontman, Liam Gallagher: As It Was,will be marketing its market debut, with Altitude looking after international sales. Altitude will also co-distribute in the U.K. with Lorton Entertainment. The new comes just two years after the release of the doc Oasis:Supersonic, which Lorton also helped distribute. (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/ne...$Kids don't wanna be Noel, they wanna be Liam.$他确实是个傻逼,而不是大贱逼$开头真是杀人诛心/一切又回到了曼城O2的复出首演,曼城爆炸的慈善演出和G节/Bonehead依然是一辈子莉吹/Debbie太好看了/‘He makes me feel alive’/He is the most RNR man.$总结了粥团解散后Liam的心路历程,原来半夜疯狂发推、莉言莉语那几年,他是在发出求救信号,恍然大悟。从“Oasis是世界上最伟大的乐队”狂妄变成“Oasis也没那么好 我们当时水平不高”的Liam,看得人鼻子发酸。$戴上粉丝滤镜就是五星!但是中间缺了那一首live forever总觉得有点遗憾,大概是liam在oasis解散后的经历和各种中年哲理金句的表达,能够更了解莉莉真的太棒了!但是片子的节奏不太好,配乐有点不符?